Get Involved
Make a Gift
You can mail your check (payable to Oak Hill Cemetery Historic Preservation Foundation) to:
3001 R Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20007
Annual Fund
The Oak Hill Cemetery Historic Preservation Foundation launched the Annual Fund in 2020 because we understand that donors often appreciate having the option of designating their gift.
Support Oak Hill
Established in 2003, the Oak Hill Cemetery Historic Preservation Foundation is dedicated to preserving and restoring the cemetery with a focus on projects that allow the cemetery to operate long-term. We invite you to come and see the restoration we have already completed
As stewards of an active cemetery and a national treasure, our mission is to preserve the publicly accessible Oak Hill Cemetery, a nineteenth-century romantic garden park cemetery, its historic interment sites, structures, and records, and to support its functions and activities.
We invite you to join thousands of donors who are helping to preserve our historic site. Over time, as interment space at Oak Hill Cemetery is no longer available for purchase, we anticipate that the cemetery’s responsibilities will become those of the Preservation Foundation. The Historic Preservation Foundation Board has already started these efforts to maintain our beautiful landscape by planning, securing funding, and conducting preservation and restoration work.
Our goal is to continue to be a vibrant community resource to all, therefore we need your help. There are many ways to donate, and because the Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, your gift is fully tax-deductible.
Special Projects
Contact us if you are interested in learning more about our special projects and naming opportunities.
Planned Giving
Including Oak Hill Cemetery in your will or estate plan is a simple way to make a meaningful contribution to this historic cemetery, please click here for more information.