Oak Hill Cemetery offers a wide variety of options for cremation interments in different locations and at different prices. The current options are listed below and are subject to change.
Renwick Pathway Niches
The cemetery’s Historic Renwick Chapel, designed by James Renwick, Jr. and constructed in the 1850s, is encircled by a walk-path providing double urn niches for cremated remains. The path begins and ends at the sides of the Historic Renwick Chapel, making access to the site quite desirable.
Each niche is located under a granite cover measuring approximately 48” x 24”. Niches are designed to accommodate two urns with the personalized memorial inscribed on the granite cover. Inscriptions range from artful creations and figures carved into the cover, to names and dates inscribed in a variety of styles. Each is unique and selected by family members, with approval by the Cemetery.
Private group and family internment sites are available throughout the Cemetery in areas where the terraces can accommodate smaller custom designs; these areas are designed jointly by the family and the Cemetery.

Stinmetz Circle, Davis Circle, & Camellia Pathway Niches
Camellia Pathway, Stinemetz and Davis Circle internment niches, similar in design to the Renwick Pathway niches, are located along the Camellia Pathway located in the Chapel Hill area of the Cemetery. The Stinemetz and Davis Circles connect to Camellia Pathway. Double and single niches are available, each covered with a piece of granite, which will serve as a ledger stone for inscriptions.

Greevy Circle/North Hill Cremation Sites
The North Hill Lawn Cremation Lots are located north of Circular Avenue. These sites are for cremation interments, each measuring approximately four feet square. They are designed to accommodate two interments, and a memorial stone. Memorial stones may be flat or a slightly raised design as desired by the lot holder.
The Greevy Circle Lawn Niches are located at the northwest corner of the Cemetery and are near Montrose Park. This site offers opportunities for cremation interments, each measuring approximately four feet square. They are designed to accommodate two interments, and a memorial stone. Memorial stones may be upright or flat ledger-style design as desired by the lot holder.
Rock Creek Terrace Boxes
Newly created in 2017 is the Corcoran Terrace Steps. There are 72 new cremation interment granite boxes along the steps below the Corcoran Mausoleum. These new box niches are installed from the Carriage House all the way up to the Corcoran Mausoleum. Each box is designed for two cremation urns with the inscription to go on top of the box. These boxes are the same as those built on Chapel Hill several years ago and have proved very desirable.
Also, newly created is a shared crypt and memorial wall at Corcoran Plaza, the mid-point landing on the Rock Creek Terrace steps. This cremation option is sometimes called an “ossuary” in the United States, although the proper definition of the term is far from what is the case at Corcoran Plaza. There is a dais on which the container of ashes will be placed during a memorial or committal service. After the service, the ashes will be added to a sealed crypt below the plaza through an opening in the dais. The name, birth year and death year will be recorded on the stone memorial wall behind the dais.
Corcoran Plaza, which encompasses Rock Creek Terrace Boxes and the Shared Cremation Crypt, was designed with great attention to detail. Mason Jimy Portillo installed at the plaza the sculpture “Diana’s Lyre” by Georgetown artist, John Dreyfuss. Names and dates will be inscribed on the stone wall in continuous lines in the same fashion as the memorial walls at the National Policeman’s Memorial and the Vietnam War Memorial. Both sides of the wall adjoining Corcoran Plaza will eventually be used for the inscriptions of names and dates of those therein. A bench sets along the side of the plaza and stone containers with attractive plant material are strategically located along the approaches to the space. The landscaping provides a natural and verdant feel to the entire area. This new facility enables us to offer families a service that expands our pricing opportunities and methods of memorializing loved ones who come to Oak Hill.

Willow Columbarium
The Willow Columbarium is easily accessible by a lower parking lot off the cemetery’s Rock Creek Avenue and provides wonderful views from many vantage points. Looking uphill is a splendid view of the Willow Columbarium, which has central seating, planters and cast stone urn. The Willow logo on the outside of the Willow Columbarium was designed by Brian Williamson and executed in granite by sculptor Andrew Del Gallo. It is a pendant to Del Gallo’s rendition of the Oak Hill seal. As one walks into the Willow Columbarium, two more angel reliefs by Del Gallo have been installed. To the West is a horizontal figure of a weeping angel, which is cut both as relief and intaglio. The second figure is a vertical composition of an exultant angel on the South wall. The circular interior seating offers carefully framed views of the surrounding grounds and an area for quiet reflection. Lining the interior walls are many cremation niches for double urn and a few multiple urn interments. Each interment niche is sealed with a black slate memorial cover of such unusual thickness that dramatically deep bas-relief art can be carved; which over time will fill the Willow Columbarium with a collection of beautiful sculptures unique to this extraordinary site.