Oak Hill was one of 44 institutions in the United States selected to participate in the 2023 Foundation for Advancement in Conservation’s Collections Assessment for Preservation (CAP) Program for our emerging Archives and Collection. CAP provides small and mid-sized museums with partial funding toward a general conservation assessment: a study of all of the institution’s collections, buildings, and building systems, as well as its policies and procedures relating to collections care. FAIC awarded the Oak Hill Cemetery Preservation Foundation $7200 in funds that will be matched by us, for an assessment of the Gatehouse for use as an Archive, and for a separate collections assessment of our materials and objects. Our CAP Site Visit took place in early August. Our CAP Team consisted of Amelia Parks, Education Librarian for the Library of Congress, as the Collections Assessor, and Architect Jessica Senker and Engineer Melanie Rodbardt of J&M Preservation in Philadelphia, as the Building Assessors, with additional support from conservation consultant Wendy Jessup. The two-day visit was full of interesting discoveries and inspiring conversation about the best way forward to improved collection care and the highest and best use of our buildings for this purpose. We look forward to their full report in November. Special thanks to Ella Pozell and Outerbridge Horsey for sharing their vast knowledge of Oak Hill during our Site Visit.